Monday, December 10, 2012

A Christian's Hope

Someone asked me a few days ago what passage I would use to encourage someone who is facing 3 or 4 different cancers. Several passages came to mind, but then I discovered that the sick person may not be a Christian. I began to wonder. Is there any encouragement for someone who isn't a believer? Is there any hope for the one who doesn't follow God? 

Christians often forget the big picture. But when you're facing someone on the death bed, or when you've lost all that you have in a hurricane, we quickly turn our hearts, minds, and hope to eternal things. Deep down inside, we know that this world is not all we have. There is a better place, a lasting place. 

Perhaps a healthy practice would be to continuously ponder the eternal things. Perhaps we'd be far more content in light of the eternal promises, more secure in light of the eternal inheritance, more eager to witness in light of the eternal hell, more thankful in light of God's eternal grace. Perhaps the deathbed isn't the only place to see suffering working out for our good. Perhaps it isn't even the first place. 

I'm thankful that even though I missed two classes today because my car bumper was bashed in, I was reminded that God always has a plan. He really keeps things exciting and always reminds me that I don't know what's going to happen next. I'm just glad that I know He still loves me. Because of God, every day is a pretty good day. 

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