Sunday, January 29, 2012

More Grateful

I work with mentally disabled people who need helping eating, getting dressed, going to the bathroom, etc. They don't have the privilege of going places by themselves or doing all the things that we do on a daily basis. However, my point is not simply to talk about how little disabled people have. My purpose (in addition to appeasing David's blog requests) is to remind us of how much we have. The fact that we can do things by ourselves should not be taken for granted (including the fact that you're reading this right now).

God has given us so much! We should be more grateful. From the life in our lungs to the shoes on our feet. Be grateful. Remind yourself that it could be worse, it could be harder. God has given us amazing and incredible bodies. Just think about it. Right now my fingers are moving up and down on top of a keyboard in an extremely coordinated effort to push down specific keys of my choosing (although they keep springing back up against my will). Not only that, but my mind remembers where the keys are that I want and which keys I need in order to form the words that will communicate the message I desire. And I hardly even have to think about it! My body almost moves on its own, hardly a thought goes into it. And thought is all that goes into it. I think and my hands move. That's awesome!

Join me in being more grateful

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