The cross of Christ
A gift so free
That saved my life
But how can I
So foolishly
Assume the blood
Which set me free
Has made the hard path easy?
The cross of Christ
Though free indeed
Lays heavy on my back
The Fount is free
But to receive
One must give up his life
Deny himself,
pick up the cross
A living sacrifice
Though none can buy this blood-bought gift
All saints must pay their lives
Deny themselves,
Pick up the cross
A living sacrifice
For faith is not just seeing
It's more than just believing
This gift of faith,
It follows Christ
Picks up the cross
Lays down it's life
For though our entrance free
And though the path is paved
The way unto the narrow gate
Bids us to bare a heavy weight
Yet God will bid his Spirit come
And give us strength to make it home.