The problem is that all the promises the world has to offer are empty cisterns, blank checks that will only bounce back and smack us in the face, vanity and trying to grab the wind. On the contrary, God promises that he is our only ultimate fulfillment. He promises to deliver the happiness, joy, love, and fulfillment we desire, even in the midst of suffering. Perhaps God's promise that 'those who seek will find' is more radical than we think. Although God does not necessarily promise the things that we think will bring us fulfillment (e.g. cars, food, electronics), He does promise the Holy Spirit who will bring fulfillment.
"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" (Luke 11:13)
What if your life was suddenly penetrated by true and genuine love for others? a joyful smile through all circumstances? peace when the storms are crashing all around? patience so that you can wait contently when circumstances are not ideal? kindness, goodness, and faithfulness which flow from the love you have in your heart? gentleness when the world tempts you to strike back? and self-control, which is the truest of all freedom? (Gal 5:22).
Is there anything on this list (which we tend to ramble off so quickly) that the world does not actively seek and deeply desire? Do we really believe that God will simply give them to those who ask? Do we really believe He will freely give His Spirit, to lead us into a most abundant life? After all, the best things in life you can't buy: a peaceful spirit, a good night sleep, lasting joy, etc.
People have tried to buy the Spirit for His power and it didn't turn out so well. "May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!" (Acts 8:20). But all we have to do is ask, and God will give! Come, brothers and sisters, join me in asking for a Spirit-filled life, purchased for us by the blood of Christ because of the Father's love for us as His children!