There are two ways, two paths, two roads
One foolish and one wise
Both seek to build a fruitful house
Both hope to win the prize
An easy path, the foolish takes
He does not see the end
The path seems good, great joy it brings
But to his death will send
Even a laughing heart may ache
The end of joy be grief
If without thought the simple takes
The path of great relief
In his folly, he breaks his house
And with his hands destroys
The path which seemed so good to him
Brought quickly fleeting joys
The wise man moves more carefully
Off sinful paths he goes
Although they promise laughter
He sees impending woes
He erects his house in wisdom
While folly tears hers down
The difference is not aims or goals,
But the path on which their bound
[Inspired by Proverbs 14:1, 11-16]